
14(Jesus said,) “Let the children come to me; do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 15Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” 16And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.

-Mark 10:13-16

As a community of faith, Epiphany offers various ministries to help nurture family relationships through the different stages of life. We focus on how we can help foster a child’s faith journey through worship, learning, service, and fellowship. We strive to support parents and caregivers in living out their baptismal promise to help their children grow in the Christian faith and life. Programming includes first communion classes, Sunday morning education opportunities and Bible Sunday.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program for children ages three through grade five is run by volunteers using curricula from director Erin Haligowski. Classes take place on select Sundays during the school year. Find program descriptions and register your child(ren) for this year's Sunday School hereBefore signing in your child for the first time, please complete our digital Parental Consent Form.

New this year is Learning In Faith Together (LIFT), a monthly learning opportunity during the typical Sunday School time for entire families.

Family Calm Corner at Far Hills

Children are always welcome and encouraged to participate in worship! We want to hear them singing and participating in their way! However, we also understand that sometimes kids get overwhelmed in the sanctuary and need a little break. The “Family Calm Corner” is a space for families who need to worship outside of the sanctuary. This setting allows the family to actively engage in worship in a more open and quiet area. A few toys, books, and Christian activities are provided for young children/toddlers. Parents and caregivers must accompany their children in this area and are responsible for them.

Family Nursery at Austin

Children are always welcome and encouraged to participate in worship! We want to hear them singing and participating in their way! However, we also understand that sometimes kids get overwhelmed in the sanctuary and need a little break. The nursery is a space for families who need to worship outside of the sanctuary. This setting allows the family to hear worship through audio while children play or rest. Parents and caregivers must accompany their children in this area and are responsible for them.


Early Childhood Newsletters

If you’d like guidance in applying the Bible’s teachings to your daily experience of raising and interacting with your very young child, these newsletters are for you! Part of the Sparkhouse digital educational resources, Frolic monthly newsletters share key developmental and faith milestones with families. Caregivers of children ages birth to four receive an automated monthly email based on the age and development stage of the child. Emails are sent on the first of each month through the month of a child’s fifth birthday. Sign up here!

Please contact Erin Haligowski if you have any questions about Children & Family Ministry.