Our Values & Beliefs

Our mission at Epiphany is rooted in our values:
  • Love – Epiphany exists in response to God’s grace demonstrated in Jesus Christ and as an extension of Christ’s ministry in the world. It is a love that is self-giving, unconditional, generous, and centered in worship and prayer.
  • Service – Epiphany’s response to God’s grace helps address the needs of its members and the broader community by calling members to act with compassion for the poor and forgotten, care for the hurting, and walk alongside others in times of trouble.
  • Growth – Epiphany seeks to increase its presence as a community of faith and its positive impact on the faith lives of its members and visitors, and the world.
  • Welcome – Epiphany strives to have a culture that is inviting and hospitable, accepting and inclusive of all people.
  • Intergenerational – Epiphany recognizes the value of each generation and nurtures mutual appreciation through programs that build interrelationships and offer opportunities for people of all ages to share their resources of time and talent with each other.
  • Integrity – Epiphany is a community of faith that is authentic, transparent with intention, and trustworthy.

We invite you to join us in our mission to “grow in faith, build a thriving community, and transform lives through Jesus’ love!”

The best way to learn about what we believe at Epiphany is to learn more about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the national body of which we are a part.  Check out our church’s central teaching at https://www.elca.org/Faith/ELCA-Teaching, and the ELCA’s mission at https://www.elca.org/About/Mission or just go to the ELCA homepage elca.org and click on the "New to ELCA" tab.