Then she said it.
She said “It’s not that we forget God. We just try to do it all ourselves, all on our own.”
Now, Deborah was the epitome of organization and accomplishment. She was fiercely independent and had competed with men all her life and beaten them, too. And I knew that deep inside she was lonely and tired of her independence. She said these words, and somehow I knew that she was not speaking in generalities, but that she was sharing something that was deeply personal. As I looked into her eyes, I knew that as she spoke, she suddenly realized that she tried to do everything on her own, not only without other people, but without God as well. “We try to do it all ourselves,” she said. Without others. Without God.
Today we meet Jesus in the wilderness, being tempted by the devil. After 40 days of fasting and praying, Jesus is hungry. The devil encourages Jesus to use his power as Son of God to feed himself… after all, why not? There is nothing wrong with feeding yourself when you are hungry. Likewise, when the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple. He challenges Jesus to protect himself. After all, as God’s Son Jesus has charge of the angels—they can rescue him if he is thrown down.
These temptations probably weren’t a cake walk for Jesus. I think that is an important point, because we too confront things that either look good, and aren’t, Or just as often, things that look bad, but are actually a part of God’s work in our lives. In either case, we can be tempted to make gods of ourselves, using our own judgment and effort, as if we know better than God, all the while resisting what God is offering us.
Deborah and I kept in touch after college. She had a good life with job and family. But one evening after a long choir rehearsal, Deborah had a moment of inattention on her drive home. She crossed the center line on a lonely country road and hit an oncoming car. The other driver was a young man also in his early twenties, and he wasn’t wearing a seat belt. He didn’t survive the crash.
This began a long dark night of the soul for Deborah. She had always been a serious Christian with a strong moral compass. She had always done her best to be good. And yet here she had made a mistake with the most deadly of consequences. She felt a terrible sense of guilt. How could she have done this? How could ever live with herself?
This went on for months. Then one day Deborah got a call from an old friend she had heard from in several years. Her friend was an ER nurse who lived with her elderly mother. She told Deborah that she got covid and despite her best efforts brought it into the house. Her mom contracted the virus and died. She told her how hard it was to forgive herself. But she talked about how she was learning to accept that God forgives her. And that they key to recovery was opening herself to what God could do that she could not.
Suddenly Deborah did not feel so alone. She began to let go of her guilt and see her part in this tragedy more clearly. As she did, Deborah began tap into a love she hadn’t fully experienced before: a love that was not dependent on her good behavior; a love that recognized her hurt and shame and moved her beyond it; a love that honored and forgave her. It was God’s love, most fully expressed in the life of Jesus, God’s Son. For the first time in her life, Deborah couldn’t Do It Herself. But this reality opened her to a new possibility. Deborah, a lifelong Lutheran, began to understand the meaning the word Grace.
Brothers and sisters, we are all human. We are limited and make mistakes, some of which we can never make up for. But the resurrection means that God can and does use our limitations and mistakes. God works through the most ill-fated circumstances. And though I would never go so far as to say that God ever wills suffering or violence or death for anyone, I do know that God can and does bring good out of terrible circumstances—even death. But in order to experience God’s miraculous power, we need to let go our DIY ways, let God’s ways prevail.
In Lent we begin 40 days in the wilderness with Jesus. It is a time of confronting the reality of sin and temptation. It is a time to make an honest appraisal of our lives, and to humbly recognize that we can’t do it ourselves. But when we do this, we find an unexpected gift: Jesus is with us. We don’t need to do it alone. Our DIY attempts at faith are over. We can rely on Jesus’ love, acceptance, and forgiveness. We can count on his resurrection to bring life from the dead places of our lives and the world around us.