For struggling families, holiday gifts and meals can feel out of reach. Each Christmas, Epiphany’s Adopt A Family ministry steps in to help by providing gifts and meals. Partnering with local agencies and schools, we identify families in need, who are then “adopted” by our Epiphany family. Through this ministry, we share Jesus’ love, support our neighbors, and help families focus on essentials while enjoying a more joyful Christmas.
How You Can Help:
- Monetary Donations are accepted online year-round.
- Adopt a Family in November/December: Purchase gifts for households in need. Due to misuse of the form, we are no longer able to provide the link on our webpage. Please see your electronic newsletter for the digital link, or sign up in person on Sunday mornings at either campus.
- Volunteer: This ministry relies on the generous donation of time and energy from many volunteer members of our congregation and community. Help is needed to pick up and unload our bulk order of groceries, set up the celebration center, sort and bag groceries for the families, assist donors during drop off times as required to unload gifts and ensure gifts are placed in the correct location in the church. Our biggest need for volunteers is during our pickup morning to load food and gifts in the vehicles for the social workers.
If you lead a group looking for a service project, we’d love to work with you! Please contact us at Adopt-a-Family.
About the Agencies We Serve
Here’s a little information about some of the agencies we help:
Children’s Services – part of Children and Family Services, the social workers here provide job and parenting coaching to a range of families who may be struggling with addiction, unemployment, homelessness and food insecurity.
Dayton Children’s – this new outreach program identifies families who benefit from additional services to help manage the stresses of children with acute or long-term illness or injury.
Miami Valley Child Development Center – this Head Start program aims to provide support for families with young children to ensure a healthy foundation for learning.
Help Me Grow Brighter Futures – this program also works with families with young children providing critical parenting skills and assistance especially for families dealing with poverty and the associated challenges.
Questions about the program can be sent to Adopt-a-Family.