Life Events

Weddings, Funerals, Baptism for All Ages


Baptism is a time of great celebration as God’s grace welcomes new members into the community of Christ. This is one of the most ancient rituals in the Christian Church and the beginning of a life following Jesus. At Epiphany, we are excited to be a part of your or your child’s baptism. We teach that baptism is a good gift that we cannot deny any child of God.

We offer baptism at all services at the convenience of the family desiring baptism. Baptismal candidates or their parents meet once with a pastor at the convenience of the family. For questions about baptism or to schedule, please call our Far Hills office at (937) 433-1449 to speak with a pastor.


We believe that God calls people to share their lives together and the chief place where this is experienced is marriage. During the marriage ceremony, two people make promises to one another and the community gathered prays for God’s blessing asking that Christ remain the center of their relationship, not just during the wedding ceremony, but through their life together. At Epiphany, it is our expectation that each couple go through pre-marriage counseling and work with one of our pastors for the ceremony. We are delighted to work with other clergy in order to accommodate family needs and desires.

Epiphany is open to members and non-members. We are blessed with beautiful and unique locations for weddings: the sanctuary or outdoor chapel at our Far Hills Campus, and the airy worship space at our Austin Campus.

The Epiphany wedding coordinator serves as your contact person to coordinate and discuss details regarding the ceremony and make any other arrangements for your wedding as it relates to the church. The couple will be provided with a Marriage & Wedding Guide document to help plan their wedding service.

More Information

To schedule a pastor for your wedding and for more information about scheduling, please contact our office at (937) 433-1449.

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden space at the back of our property at the Far Hills Campus is where all of God’s children are eligible to have their cremains buried or scattered. The burial or scattering of the cremains will take place during a Christian ceremony in the garden.

  • Buried cremains will be placed in a hole that will be prepared for the service.
  • Scattered cremains will be placed in a designated garden area, and will be blended into the ground covering and mulch bed of that area.
  • A fee, currently $350 per person, pursuant to these guidelines is requested from the applicant.
  • All monies collected for fees will be used for the purpose of maintenance and care of the Memorial Garden, Memorial Register, and the engraving and installation of a memorial plaque.
  • Epiphany Lutheran Church will enter the names of persons whose cremains are buried or scattered in the Memorial Garden in a Memorial Register maintained by the church.

Click here to read the full guidelines document.