Jubilate Bell Choir 


Inviting all bell ringers!

Epiphany is blessed with a rich history of hand bell music. The Jubilate Bells hand bell choir performs during worship services at Far Hills, typically at the 10:30 a.m. traditional service, once a month. This choir takes high schoolers and adults. New ringers with musical experience or a good sense of rhythm are welcome to join. 

Regular Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7:30 pm-8:45 pm, Far Hills Sanctuary, beginning September 10, 2024, through May.

More Information: Contact Jill Byers, hand bell Choir Director, at (937) 424-3137.

Tentative Worship Ringing Schedule

FALL 2024       

October 13 — 10:30 AM

November 10 — 10:30 AM

December 8 — 9 AM & 10:30 AM (Combined arts service)

December 24 — 5 PM (Ensemble)


January 19 — 10:30 AM 

February 16 — 10:30 AM

March 5 — Ash Wednesday (Ensemble )

March 16 — 10:30 AM

April 20 — Easter

May 18 — 10:30 AM (Blow Out)