A Word About COVID

As of June 29, 2022, masks are optional indoors at Epiphany’s campuses. Please see Pastor Julie’s message below.

Some have asked me to give a little explanation about my recommendation to wear masks indoors two and a half weeks ago. I understand COVID to be a chronic illness, in that we can expect flare ups of infections to occur for the foreseeable future. This means we have to learn to live with COVID and to carry on in the safest way possible. Fortunately, as of last week, we now have vaccination available to all age groups; in addition, despite the recent high transmission rate of the disease, hospitalizations and deaths have continued to be low in Montgomery County. We are not in the same place from a public health perspective that we were in 2020.

I also understand our Christian responsibility to love our neighbor as ourselves. This means we take into consideration the needs of others when we make personal decisions and church policy. When we had a number of infections three weeks ago among our staff and our VBS volunteers, and our ability to carry out functions of ministry in was temporarily threatened. I honestly did not know if we could keep the office open or staff VBS. I felt it was important to limit the spread of the disease, as families and businesses could be affected in a similar manner. This is why I recommended wearing masks indoors at church.

Each congregation’s culture is different, and what I am learning is that mask wearing is a deal breaker for some in our community. That doesn’t mean people are being selfish or wrongheaded; it just means that some will sit out instead of coming to church because mask wearing for them is really an imposition. As a new pastor in this community, loving my neighbor means not only protecting the vulnerable; it also means getting to know all the community. It is clear to me whatever recommendations or policies the Council and I make, that they need to support people’s participation. 

For these reasons, I am recommending that masks be optional at Epiphany’s campuses. I continue to encourage people to social distance when indoors as a precaution, given that people are infectious prior to exhibiting symptoms. I will continue to ask all communion assistants to mask while they are serving, as this offers a layer of protection for those coming into close proximity to receive. For those who have health concerns, I encourage lowering your mask and consuming the communion elements in the pew when worshipping indoors. We will pray for continued good weather, so we can enjoy worshipping together outdoors. Coffee after worship will resume next Sunday, July 3. 

Going forward I will keep COVID recommendations simple, and follow the overall Covid-19 Community Level ratings from the CDC. If the Community Level is High, we will recommend people wear masks indoors. Otherwise, masks will be optional. Under these guidelines, an outbreak like the one that happened three weeks ago at Epiphany would NOT alter the mask optional recommendation. 

I want to say thank you to those who came to me with questions and feedback about this and other matters; alongside the Council, your thinking and prayer help inform my decisions.

– Pastor Julie

All In

I Kings 15-16, 19-21;
Luke 9:51-62    
I first met Ren at a summer music program. We were both playing in the orchestra, me on the French horn, and Ren on the flute. Ren was serious about music; all he wanted to do was apply to music school, get a degree, and play. His father, however, was serious about Ren being a success. He was a chemist, an immigrant who had worked hard to make it in a new land. He thought Ren should become a pharmacist. Read more…

One in Christ

Galatians 3:23-29
When I was in high school, I went on a study trip to Washington, D.C. It was a year-round program that brought together kids from around the country for a week to learn about civics, politics and American history. 

As soon as we arrived, we kids began the social size up: 

  • Who were the jocks and cheerleaders?
  • Who were the nerds? Read more…

Three-Person Partnership

Trinity Sunday

In my college dorm, there were three types of rooms: singles, doubles where you shared with a roommate, and quads, where four people shared two bedrooms with a common room between. 
Because the campus had some historic old buildings, there were also odd-sized rooms in which they housed three students at a time. These ‘triples’ as they were called, were great from an architectural standpoint — Read more…


John 14:8-17, 25-27
The advertisements say it all: Satisfaction guaranteed! Money back if you are not completely satisfied!
Has there been a time when you were completely satisfied? Honestly, it seems to be a human impulse to always want more. We can always go a little faster, burn a little brighter, consult one more website, order one more thing on Amazon. Read more…

Jesus and the Red Balloon

Ascension of Our Lord
During the years I was a stay-at-home mom, I taught my daughter Stephanie’s pre-school Sunday school class. For the lesson on the ascension of Jesus, I had a brilliant idea: I decided to act out the ascension story with them. First we read it in our picture bibles, and then I brought out a red helium filled balloon with a smiley face on it. I explained that the balloon was Jesus, and that we were going to be his disciples. We would go outside and say goodbye. Read more…

Unlikely Lutherans

Fifth Sunday of Easter: Acts 11:1-18 

I was at the Lutheran retreat center Holden Village, watching the homegrown 4th of July parade. Among the kids pulling wagons, homemade floats, and the volunteer fire brigade was a woman with jet black hair, dark red lipstick, and sleeve tattoos covering both arms. She was with the Old Testament teaching professor I had been enjoying all week, and the two of them were singing a parody of “Lift High the Cross” about crabby Lutherans

We are so cross… Read more…

The Impact of One Life

Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 9:36-43


Helen was the coordinator of the prayer shawl ministry. She got women together on Thursday mornings to knit and pray over the shawls, which were then given to people in the parish and beyond who needed healing or prayer. She was especially good at inviting new women into their circle–often women who had Read more…

Healing Betrayal

Third Sunday of Easter: John 21:1-19


Do you remember your first love?  The first person you fell head over heels for? It is an all encompassing feeling, as if you could eat, sleep, and breathe that person. 


Now maybe you are one of those people who marry their first sweet heart. But most people Read more…

Tactile Learning

Second Sunday of Easter: John 20:19-31

I remember the moment well, though it was 20 years ago.  I was changing my daughter’s diaper, and she reached out to touch the lace on my bathrobe as she lay on the change table.  I was surprised; her brother never did that.


I think of it now as a first hand Read more…
