Preschool Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What are your student/teacher ratios?

  • Our Tiny Toddler program ratio is 8 students to 2 teachers.
  • Our Three-Year-Old program ratio is 8 students to 1 teacher.
  • Our Four-Year-Old and Pre-K program ratios are 10 students to 1 teacher.


Q. Are you a Christian preschool?

Yes, we are. We incorporate faith-based teachings into our program in various ways. Teachers have a Jesus Time section on each of their lesson plans so there is at least one time during the day children learn of God’s love. We pray before meals or when a friend from school is out sick. We also have chapel once a month in the sanctuary with one of our fantastic pastors.


Q. What type of qualifications do you require of your teachers?

Our teachers must have a college degree. Some do have degrees in a child-related field such as Early Childhood or Elementary Education. Some teachers also have a master’s degree. All staff are required to obtain at least six hours of professional development per year. All of our teachers are mothers, and many have had their children attend Epiphany Lutheran Preschool (ELP) in the past.


Q. Do you serve a snack?

Yes we do. We serve a small, nutritious snack mid-morning to tide them over until they go home for lunch. If you child has food related allergies, we will cooperate with any special dietary needs the child has.


Q. What is a typical day like at Epiphany Lutheran Preschool (ELP)?

To best answer this question, we invite and encourage you to tour the school. You can then see the class in action and what a typical morning may be like. You can also meet our teachers and see the layout of our classrooms, gym and playground. To schedule a tour, email


Q. What extra programs do you offer?

We offer biweekly music with Mrs. Phillips and biweekly chapel with our pastors. We schedule various visitors throughout the year. We also offer optional Before Care and Lunch Bunch daily throughout the year.


Q. Do you offer field trips?

We do not go on school field trips but have many visitors and special programs that come to our school. Examples are firefighters and police, Kona Ice Truck, and Cincinnati Museum on Wheels, to name a few.


Q. What safety features do you have? What safety procedures do you follow?

A. Our preschool area has a security system that is activated daily from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Church and preschool staff members are notified when a visitor is at the door. We conduct monthly tornado and fire drills as well as the state-required lockdown drills twice a year. Located throughout the preschool, video cameras are seen on the main computer and monitors in the Church Office. Any people other than the normal pick up and drop off person must show identification to pick up a child.


Q. What are ways that parents can be involved at ELP?

A. There are numerous ways parents can become involved in our program. Team hELP is our parent/teacher group that supports our program through fundraising, teacher appreciation and school and family events. Team hELP meets monthly. Parents can also participate as a room parent.


Q. What are your school closing policies?

We follow Centerville City Schools for weather. If Centerville closes for inclement weather, ELP closes as well. If Centerville is on a one- or two-hour delay, ELP also closes. If Centerville remains open and ELP closes, you will receive a phone call or email from one of our staff members.


Q. What are your registration procedures?

To secure a spot, you must pay the registration fee and complete registration information online. Registration is open to the public starting in February for school beginning in September of the same year. In-house families begin registration the last week of January for school beginning the following September.


Q. Do children need to be potty-trained to attend ELP?

Children enrolled in our Tiny Toddler program do not need to be potty-trained as we work on this with them as a developmental goal. Children enrolled in our Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old programs should be potty-trained by the start of the school year.


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